Gtechniq Auto
Gracias por su consulta de estimación de servicio, {Name:106}.
Gracias por hacer su reserva de Gtechniq Smart Surface Science. Se le ha enviado una confirmación de su solicitud por correo electrónico.
Nos pondremos en contacto contigo en un plazo de 24 horas para confirmar los arreglos.
Detalles Servicio:
- Nombre: {Name:106}
- Email: {Email:99}
- Numero de Contacto: {Contact Number:100}
- Fecha de Preferencia: {Preferred Date:108}
- Marca: {Make:101}
- Modelo: {Model:102}
- COndición de Pintura Actual: {What is the overall condition of your paintwork?:110:value}
Cost Breakdown:
Polishing Required: {How much polishing do you require?:16:value} {How much polishing do you require?:112:value}
{Polishing Costs:164}
Paint Protection Required: {Paint Protection Options:24:value}
{Paint Protection Options Costs:161}
Additional Protection Required: {Protect your rims, glass, trim, leather, fabric, dash, door cards & soft top:50:value}
{Additional Protection Options Costs:162}
Maintenance Required: {Maintenance Kits:127:value}
{Maintenance Kit Costs:163}
Estimated Total:
Estimated Time: {Number of Hours:55} Hours
Please note: *All estimates require a visual inspection of your vehicle before a final quote can be made
Gtechniq Auto
Total Auto Protection
- Flawless finishes for exterior and interior
- The World’s best car protection
- Advanced chemistry delivers long lasting gloss and protection